Here today!


Welcome to my blog. For me this is a journal and a place to share my photos, reads, thoughts, and missives.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Messed UP Email

Somehow - and it may be because I have too many internet devices to play with - I messed up my email and my access to my blog.   Whenever I have a computer melt down I make an appointment at the Apple store and they fix it like it is the most basic computer glitch that even a child could avoid.   The store has been closed to recover from the Christmas rush  so my appointment is for tomorrow.
My Sister's Tree

Eureka! I fixed the email glitch myself while sitting around during Rory's nap. Now I can post something new. How about a Christmas photo?

I am posting my sister's tree. Mine was a two foot little thing that the cat and Rory pretty much demolished. I only used the unbreakable ornaments.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Waiting for the cable guy

Yes: They can keep us at home for hours on end. He did show up and fixed the snow on the screen by replacing THE BLACK BOX. I left for the local coffee shop while it was still daylight.  While waiting and computer occupied I found a new blog to add - The Lunatics Asylum. I am not surprised I was drawn to it while waiting -  actually it has been six days since I called and the first time my guy could be scheduled was today. The author of the Lunatic Asylum is stuck at home taking care of his mother - and she is a piece of work.  He is a minefield of black humor - I think he is funny. Tomorrow is the shortest day of the year - not a good time to be without cable or computers.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December Brr!

It is bundle up to walk the dog weather. Thankfully the snow I see on TV is far away. New Jersey may not be basking in mild weather but I have a fireplace and no excuse not to knit. I have found a good group of knitters who meet every Tuesday evening at a local coffee shop and that has been fun. My new friend Linda, a retired teacher has been knitting since she was a Brownie - and has graciously taken on the task of being my personal knitting trainer.

Will have to take a pix of my two foot tall Christmas tree to liven up this blog.  Christmas last year I was in Mexico and i do miss that warm weather. The photo at the top of the blog page is one I took on that trip.

Friday, November 12, 2010


Carol has ignited my long dormant knitting hobby. I am looking for a group to join near Haddonfield and found a couple on the Ravelry knitting site. Here is a scarf I made from yarn found in a shop in Truckee. I love the colors

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Truckee photos

Friends since college!

Aspens showing off their gold shimmer on a beautiful day!

Good wine! 

A charming little wine shop in Truckee

The view from Carol's balcony Monday morning. 

What a great time in Truckee with dear friends, Carol and Jim. We had an adventure every day from hiking, wine tasting, knitting, to the first winter snow.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Truckee sojourn

Can't post photos yet since I am traveling with just my Ipad but will include pix of the glowing yellow aspens and the Truckee wine tasting/Halloween ghost tour when I return to Joisey on Tuesday.I am so pleased to be here in Truckee with my dear friend from college days, Carol and her husband Jim. These beautiful Fall days are on the wane and last night was cold - a message that the real winter is on the way.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

October Pumpkin Patch

 What a perfect, sunny day with granddaughter and her wonderful mom. Well  - I still haven't posted Seattle photos. Now that is old news and the exciting photos, taken today, of a visit to a farm and pumpkin patch in Yardley Pa.  are here. Look at that outfit on her - just joyful colors.

Granddaughter is in constant motion, hence a lot of the back of her head.  My first time to post a video - it is only 10 seconds long.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Seattle Trip

Who says Seattle is always rainy?

What a great day. This photo was taken from the Bainbridge ferry 
heading back to Seattle.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

New read

I am joining the popular rush and am well into Jonathan Frazen's Freedom.
I am also very happy to be visiting in Seattle. BEAUTIFUL WEATHER today and I will take some photos to post. Just jotting down a few words now because it has been too long between posts.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Book Blogs

If you  check out my Blog Roll - which has all of two on it - click on So Many Books. This busy blogger has a list of about 100 book blogs.   She has covered the territory and it is fun to see what some other bloggers are doing. I have only checked out the tip of this iceberg.

Constant Reader

I have not mentioned that I bought an Ipad in July and while I have always been an avid reader I now can call up books on a whim and download them Poof! I have used this blog to post some of my nearby travel photos but since I spent much of torpid July reading I want to include a mention of some of the books I liked. Of course everyone is reading the Steig Larson books - I was actually so engrossed in the series I ordered the latest hardcover  from Amazon when it first came out. That would be The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.  There are so many book blogs out there - I do look at a few now and then to find a new read. If I mention books I want to post a cover photo. I am now adept at posting my photos and so let's see if I can add a Larson cover here.

Ta Da!
 A mystery series set in India is one of my new found favorites. Tarquin Hall is the author and one of the titles is The Case of the Man Who Died Laughing. Sub title - From the Files of Vish Puri, India's Most Private Investigator. 

Product Details

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

July torpor over!

While driving to Brandywine PA

Wow! Did the whole blazing heat seeking month of July finally end?  Yes, and I posted nada. Must have been zoned out in front of the AC with a non functioning creative spirit.  Well, now it is August and just as it has cooled off a little in NJ - I am headed into the southern hot zone of Alabama for a wedding. Going to see my best friend's son marry a lovely girl.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Do I have Depression?

Ahh! I look at the spring photos posted here and long for those cool days. I am sequestered in my air conditioned bedroom refusing to venture out in the 94 degree heat and miserable humidity. Also my car is in the shop - taken there for a hopefully minor repair only to find that I will be out $700 when they finish some  "necessary" replacement of some timing thing.

Not sure if it is the heat or the isolation but I must cheer up. Hope I am needed soon for some Rory care.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bartram's Garden

There is a lovely and surprising garden located behind "the projects" of West Philadelphia. Bartram's Garden is an oasis of gardens, woodland walks, and buildings dating to the early 1700's. We didn't go to Longwood Gardens but with a one year old in tow my son suggested the much closer Bartram's Garden.

It was my first visit and a delightful place. It is the oldest living botanic garden in America. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington all visited.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Longwood Gardens

Am I longing for the gardens? I google mapped them and it is an hour's drive from here. It is on my to do list. Last week I made a nostalgic trip to Villa Joseph Marie, my high school. My first time back in over 40 years. Yikes!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quote for the day!

What a great rainy day to stay in and read. I'm halfway finished a charming book How Clarissa Burden Learned to Fly by Connie May Flower. It is very rural and Florida in mood and tempo. Just right to appreciate being able to stay in on a cool New Jersey spring day.

Fearful that when I finished it I would not have another book in hand I made a quick trip to the public library and checked out The Saints' Guide to Happiness by Robert Ellsberg.  I saw it mentioned somewhere on the web. Just  to make sure rainy days and Tuesdays don't get me down I skimmed through the chapter, Listening  to Sit Still.

This I like: "Quiet places are becoming ever more scarce. But it is not enough to escape the noise of the world. There is still the matter of our own inner noise. Even when it is quiet outdoors, we are filled with the internal voices and alarms, reminding us what needs to be done, what we have done poorly, what has been done to us in the past. These voices incessantly distract us from the time and place--here and now-- where we actually exist.   ....... Yet if we  are constantly living in the past or preparing to live in the future, how can we be sure that we are ever truly alive?"

The chapter notes that finding  this contentment with the present  has been sought and worked at  by saints, philosophers (Pascal) and Eastern religions like Zen Buddhists.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

WOW Mother's Day Flowers

A floral bouquet that was over the top. These came from my former husband  - we are friends now - with a lovely note about the blessings of our children.  The bouquet  is massive and best of all the white lilies are so fragrant that my kitchen smells like spring in bloom.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring Company

What a great visit last week with my daughter and her boyfriend. Here they are standing behind a wisteria bush in full bloom with the Croft Farm in the background. The Croft Farm is part of the Camden County park system. Located on the Cooper river it has been a frequent place to walk my dog and view the changing flowers of spring.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Four Seasons

There are four seasons here. That 89 degree day was an aberration. Today is a cool and rainy 59. The dogwoods and azaleas are coming out. Here is a photo taken last week of my landlord's daffodil field.


The lesson at the Apple store was very good - as usual. I downloaded a moveie - The Blind Side - can't believe I hadn't done that before. I had some hands on with the IPad and liked it especially the downloading of books. There they are in color - I am thinking what a handy device to have around to amuse a grandchild. I also saw the wifi glitch when I tried to google directions. Much as  I liked it I think I will wait a while till it is glitch free.

Spent the last two days with my granddaughter, Rory. I am in love. While she naps I am working on my latest needlepoint project.  The frog I made for Rory is supposed to be ready for pick up tomorrow - will post photos of both it and my pillow soon. Saturday is Rory's 1st birthday party. That should be a photo opp.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring has gone

What the ? It is going to be 89 or 90 degrees here in Jersey today. What Happened to Spring?

Taking a lesson at the Apple Store - will report later

Saturday, April 3, 2010

SPRING is here!

It is the day before Easter and it looks like a perfect spring day. The blooms on the trees and the spring flowers are all so pristine. I must go out and take some more photos

"Behold, I never fail to guide all things ...with the strength, wisdom, and love, with which I created all. So How can anything go wrong? Julian of Norwich

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Day

“Father, I believe that you are in control of everything. Increase my perception of your power, your plan, and your victory. Let the light of your salvation reach deeply into my heart today.”

Monday, March 29, 2010

Lillian died

Lillian died on the 26th of March. As she wanted she died at her home with round the clock care. Her funeral is tomorrow and I am staying at my friend Pamela's house. What can I say -  she was not a trusting person. Kay posed a good question once, she said she wondered what happened in her life to make her so untrusting and miserly - Kay didn't say miserly but I am adding that comment as an observation to her untrusting nature. I hope tomorrow at the funeral  I can pray truly for the repose of her soul.  Also let this be the end of my comments as it is not fitting to speak ill of the dead. I don't know what  happened in her life to create her persona.  I must remember we are all God's creatures and we are supposed to see Christ in everyone. Please help me to do so.

This is not an easy post to write but she entered my life almost fifty years ago and I should note her passing.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Tra-la-la - the first day of spring is tomorrow but it feels like it today. BEAUTIFUL balmy, warm, sunny, day. I went into center city and people were hanging out everywhere. Rittenhouse square was packed with people relaxing on benches and blankets. Parc - the restaurant on the square had tables on the sidewalk and they were filled.

Ray Johnson painting -  Calm  Center,  1951 - not a spring painting but I like it. The city seemed just this busy in a bright and cheerful way.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Early Morning.

"Gathering in his name means coming together in the name of Love (his favorite name), or in the name of a Meal, or in the name of Peace (his most beautiful  name)." A nice thought from the The Book of Wonders. My morning readings and prayers are very important for me to face the day with joy and thankfulness. Without God I would be very alone in the morning. Thinking about Him brings me closer to all my friends and family who are not with me and makes me thankful for them and my many blessings.

Now here I am in a new home - though it is an old home - it is new for me. I must exercise my love and patience to find my purpose here. God, I am listening.

Saturday, February 27, 2010


Okay: Only three or four hours sleep last night traveling to NJ with the dog and the cat. They liked La Quinta but gave me little rest.  Today I am tired. I arrived at my sister's house with the animals. This is the way I need to think of us - two beautiful children.

Patience, love, faith.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Peace, strength, wisdom, joy

Closing on the house today. With many thanks to God  who I pray is leading me to my new home. God let me be an instrument of faith and love. Guide my thoughts and actions in love that my family may grow in peace, faith, and harmony.  "If I love you.  God, I will want for nothing. You alone suffice." St. Teresa of Avila

This is truly another great adventure in my life. Let me savor it with joy and experience the gifts of the Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control. Seven very good gifts to have.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Write it down

The daily struggle to organize and pack for this move is a real test of my patience. As a matter of fact yesterday I reverted to the impatient, frazzled, and not happy me.

"Give the control of your time and your life to Me, not to the world. It is true I have given you much to do, but these things must be done in proper order. They must not gain control over you or your life."
"Trust Me, I will help you. Let Me  be the Master of your schedule, the Great Organizer and Teacher and Friend."

Write it down to help make it happen. This advice in one of my readings and the above quot from the lovely book - "Good Morning ... God" by Pamela Steinke

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Ash Wednesday

YES - today is the perfect day to give up alcohol for Lent. Had a wonderful dinner  last night with Chan, Ginger and baby Mae. Too bad it included too much wine. Thank you God for a happy Fat Tuesday and  the willingness to abstain from that so called happiness for Lent.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Thanks for this day!

Dear God, Thank you for my many blessings. May I enjoy the many gifts of everyday life. Help me to see and act with a loving, joyful heart. Today is Valentine's Day. I send You a message of love and thanks. I have much to do to move - help me to do it with peace.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Snow in B'ham

What a lovely day to stay in and pack and relax. The snow followed me from Philadelphia but I am content with my soup and chicken salad from Nabeels. I went to mass this morning and said the rosary with Marie and Jean. They are two lovely ladies who prayed I for me to make the right decision about moving. I will miss them.

I almost forgot to mention that I did dig up St. Joseph from the front lawn.  He was still there in a plastic bag standing on his head. Thankfully that is over for him and he is resting comfortably next to the Sacred heart of Jesus picture in my bedroom. Thank you St. Joseph. I trust you are guiding me.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

'A sister can be seen as someone who is both ourselves and very much not ourselves—a special kind of double.'
—Toni Morrison

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thought for Today

"Dear God, whose name is love, help me always to respond with love, even when I don't feel very loving."
 From Surrendering Our Stress by Joan Gentzelman.
This book is so calming - it is an anti-anxiety pill.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Dearest Jesus let my heart and mind know that you are with me every moment of this day to help and guide me in  love for those around me and happiness with you. Thank you for my many blessings  - let my heart grow in love. Love - Prayer - Patience    Prayer - Patience - Love   Patience - Prayer - Love

 I need Your help, dear God.

Strengthen me with Your love and Your grace.

Console me with Your blessed Presence 
and grant me the courage to persevere 
until I am with You forever in heaven.

Friday, February 5, 2010

It's settled!

Signed a lease for the first floor of a little Dutch colonial in Haddonfield NJ. I can bring the dog and cat. It is a very good thing - one I am thankful to have settled. I move in March1. Life changes, and with prayer I feel I am walking in the path God wants. Traveling home.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Searching for an apartment in Philadelphia.  Spent most of the day with Brad looking. We have networked and I will still be looking some more today.

Rory is BEAUTIFUL and so smart!

Monday, February 1, 2010


"Make love the currency of my interactions with everyone." This thought from my readings this morning is a prayer and resolve for me to do every day.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

On My Way!

Leaving for Philadelphia in the morning. This contract is going to work. Joey, the plumber came today and fixed the last few details.  Now! I am going to Philadelphia in the middle of winter and want to see if I should move there. Will it be a good thing for Rory, Brad, and Tricia and me?  I know Tricia does not want "the mother-in-law" too close. I am so hoping God will direct me and give me a sign - like perfect , or at least a really good apartment to move to.
I  left Philadelphia so many years ago wanting to never look back - and now I think I may appreciate the city life - the accents, the row homes, the congested active bustle.

Here is a quote from  Set Your Heart Free - my little book on daily meditations from the writings if St. Francis de Sales.
"Because anxiety is the enemy of peace,
it cannot come from God.
It is an enemy of the spirit.
Treat anxiety like the temptation it is.
Fight it.
Send it on its way.
Whatever you must do,
whether it is
defending yourself against temptation
or welcoming joy,
do it peacefully,
without anxiety.
You cannot keep your peace by losing it."

So, let me got to Philadelphia with patience and joy in my heart  - looking for the purpose God has set out for me.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

This could be it!

After pestering God, St. Joseph,  Mary, and St. Raphael for months a contract has come in for my house. I accepted it and am waiting for the purchaser to sign off on the building inspection. This one looks good and hopefully I can dig up poor St. Joseph from the front yard. Also - I will give many prayers of thanks.

Now - what am I going to do? I am waiting for my purpose to be made clear to me.  Do I move closer to family in Philadelphia or stay here and rent an apartment. No more owning houses for me. I need to simplify, downsize and give thanks for all my blessings. I asked Sister Anna Marie to pray for me to find my purpose and she stopped right than and put her hands on my shoulders and prayed. I said - "Wow you prayed right away." and she said "Of Course!"

Sunday, January 17, 2010



St. Paul of the Cross advises us, "When you notice that your heart is moving away even the tiniest bit from that inner peace that comes from the living faith-experience of the divine presence in the soul, stop and examine what the cause of this anxiety might be. Maybe it is some worry concerning your house or children, or some situation you cannot change at present. Bury it in God's loving will."

Friday, January 15, 2010

Missing something

Time to get up and take some more photos. Everywhere I turned in Baja there was something bright, beautiful, different,  - things seem more January grey here. Perhaps my eyes need a wake up call or is it my heart.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


 I keep coming back to the word Patience. In much of my reading it is the key to a happier and less stressful life - a life of "inward peace." So let me look at this day as an opportunity to be patient with everyone but especially with myself. I have no great plans, appointments or obligations today so let me enjoy being who I am and savor the small pleasures and blessings that are all around me.

Cissy took this photo of Our Lady of Guadalupe - she is pictured all over  Mexico -  I don't know where this was taken.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

I could not resist this

Found this on another blog - The Ironic Catholic and she had a contest for a caption - here are the winners.

Pulleth my finger.


I think I'll take the stairs

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Just the place to be!

January in Baja. This would be a great place to call home in the winter but there are fearful tales of the heat in the summer. 

Still Traveling -January Tuesday

How do writers stay at it - to write and then rewrite which John Irving said is part of writing. It all must have to do with patience. My posts here are so few and some are sooo mundane. I need to step up to another level. I looked at some other blogs that have a lot more going on. I looked at one called The Ironic Catholic - of course that writer lives in Minnesota and is posting clever photos and comments in January. I think she may be staying in more than I.

Tomorrow it is back to the Apple store for another class.  I think I shall work with photos and get a back up drive - of course I believe this Mac will never crash. It is such a good computer. I looked at a reader like Kindle at Barnes and Noble but I will wait till Apple brings out its tablet Jan 26th - I think it will have a lot more to offer - including color - but ohh ahh - how pricey will it be?

Another photo from Baja - so many vivid colors in a desert by the Sea of Cortez.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Peaceful searching!

"Anxiety is the greatest evil that can befall the soul — sin only excepted. . . . When our heart is troubled and disturbed within itself, it loses the strength necessary to maintain the virtues that it had acquired. At the same time, it loses the means to resist the temptations of the enemy, who then uses his utmost efforts to fish, as they say, in troubled waters." — St. Francis de Sales

Searching in peaceful waters today. Calm acceptance and hopefully joy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

January No Snow!!!

My stay in Mexico must have relaxed me. I took the photo of the lovely orange flower. It was hanging over a wall a few doors down from the casita where I stayed. It is cold in Alabama and grey - missing the blue sky and vivid flowers in Baja.

I have contentedly stayed in all day. As usual the great weatherman prediction of snow here was a bust. In anticipation of an inch, schools were closed today. I saw a few flakes but nothing settled. It is my laugh for the day. Of course I am glad it was just those few flakes. How nice to be warm and snug at home. Throughout the midwest there are massive snowfalls, howling winds, white outs. Brrrr! At times like these I appreciate Alabama. Going to heat up my eggplant lasagna from Nabeel's for dinner and perhaps watch THE BIG GAME! Every household must be tuned in to the Alabama/Texas national championship.

A nice reading today from Set your Heart Free, Francis de Sales.

The way to honor God,
whose handiwork we are,
is to be who we are,
as perfectly as we can.

Today the perfect me stayed in bed, read, meditated, and did needlepoint.

Be who you are

Sometimes that is a quiet restful soul. Thank you God for this day!