Here today!


Welcome to my blog. For me this is a journal and a place to share my photos, reads, thoughts, and missives.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Sunny May!

Portland is a garden paradise and it is basking in warm sunny days. Evidently this is a much warmer than usual May. With temperatures in the 80's we are having days ten degrees above normal.  No surprise in this age of global warming, I guess.  I will go out and  photograph something other than flowers but here is one last one for this week.

Notice the bee inside this peony. This flower is in the garden of a neighbor. It is a pleasure to find such an abundance of beauty right outside my door.

I attended a blog group meeting on Thursday. It was the first get together of a Meet up group started to generate  ideas for improving our blogs and sharing information about blogs. It was generally agreed that key to having a blog with many subscribers and readers is being disciplined and making regular postings. 
Good advice for me. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Best Spring!

I visited the Japanese Garden here in Portland last week. It is a place of serenity.

Sculptures by the famous artist Isamu Noguchi

Mt Hood in the background

This morning our yard has irises making their showy display and the first peonies, although these that I photographed are a variety that is new to me.

On our porch, a basket of edible salad plants and
a bright cheery dahlia

The first hydrangea to bloom