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Welcome to my blog. For me this is a journal and a place to share my photos, reads, thoughts, and missives.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Bartram's Garden

There is a lovely and surprising garden located behind "the projects" of West Philadelphia. Bartram's Garden is an oasis of gardens, woodland walks, and buildings dating to the early 1700's. We didn't go to Longwood Gardens but with a one year old in tow my son suggested the much closer Bartram's Garden.

It was my first visit and a delightful place. It is the oldest living botanic garden in America. Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington all visited.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Longwood Gardens

Am I longing for the gardens? I google mapped them and it is an hour's drive from here. It is on my to do list. Last week I made a nostalgic trip to Villa Joseph Marie, my high school. My first time back in over 40 years. Yikes!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Quote for the day!

What a great rainy day to stay in and read. I'm halfway finished a charming book How Clarissa Burden Learned to Fly by Connie May Flower. It is very rural and Florida in mood and tempo. Just right to appreciate being able to stay in on a cool New Jersey spring day.

Fearful that when I finished it I would not have another book in hand I made a quick trip to the public library and checked out The Saints' Guide to Happiness by Robert Ellsberg.  I saw it mentioned somewhere on the web. Just  to make sure rainy days and Tuesdays don't get me down I skimmed through the chapter, Listening  to Sit Still.

This I like: "Quiet places are becoming ever more scarce. But it is not enough to escape the noise of the world. There is still the matter of our own inner noise. Even when it is quiet outdoors, we are filled with the internal voices and alarms, reminding us what needs to be done, what we have done poorly, what has been done to us in the past. These voices incessantly distract us from the time and place--here and now-- where we actually exist.   ....... Yet if we  are constantly living in the past or preparing to live in the future, how can we be sure that we are ever truly alive?"

The chapter notes that finding  this contentment with the present  has been sought and worked at  by saints, philosophers (Pascal) and Eastern religions like Zen Buddhists.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

WOW Mother's Day Flowers

A floral bouquet that was over the top. These came from my former husband  - we are friends now - with a lovely note about the blessings of our children.  The bouquet  is massive and best of all the white lilies are so fragrant that my kitchen smells like spring in bloom.