Here today!


Welcome to my blog. For me this is a journal and a place to share my photos, reads, thoughts, and missives.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Spring Company

What a great visit last week with my daughter and her boyfriend. Here they are standing behind a wisteria bush in full bloom with the Croft Farm in the background. The Croft Farm is part of the Camden County park system. Located on the Cooper river it has been a frequent place to walk my dog and view the changing flowers of spring.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Four Seasons

There are four seasons here. That 89 degree day was an aberration. Today is a cool and rainy 59. The dogwoods and azaleas are coming out. Here is a photo taken last week of my landlord's daffodil field.


The lesson at the Apple store was very good - as usual. I downloaded a moveie - The Blind Side - can't believe I hadn't done that before. I had some hands on with the IPad and liked it especially the downloading of books. There they are in color - I am thinking what a handy device to have around to amuse a grandchild. I also saw the wifi glitch when I tried to google directions. Much as  I liked it I think I will wait a while till it is glitch free.

Spent the last two days with my granddaughter, Rory. I am in love. While she naps I am working on my latest needlepoint project.  The frog I made for Rory is supposed to be ready for pick up tomorrow - will post photos of both it and my pillow soon. Saturday is Rory's 1st birthday party. That should be a photo opp.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Spring has gone

What the ? It is going to be 89 or 90 degrees here in Jersey today. What Happened to Spring?

Taking a lesson at the Apple Store - will report later

Saturday, April 3, 2010

SPRING is here!

It is the day before Easter and it looks like a perfect spring day. The blooms on the trees and the spring flowers are all so pristine. I must go out and take some more photos

"Behold, I never fail to guide all things ...with the strength, wisdom, and love, with which I created all. So How can anything go wrong? Julian of Norwich