Here today!


Welcome to my blog. For me this is a journal and a place to share my photos, reads, thoughts, and missives.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Messed UP Email

Somehow - and it may be because I have too many internet devices to play with - I messed up my email and my access to my blog.   Whenever I have a computer melt down I make an appointment at the Apple store and they fix it like it is the most basic computer glitch that even a child could avoid.   The store has been closed to recover from the Christmas rush  so my appointment is for tomorrow.
My Sister's Tree

Eureka! I fixed the email glitch myself while sitting around during Rory's nap. Now I can post something new. How about a Christmas photo?

I am posting my sister's tree. Mine was a two foot little thing that the cat and Rory pretty much demolished. I only used the unbreakable ornaments.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Waiting for the cable guy

Yes: They can keep us at home for hours on end. He did show up and fixed the snow on the screen by replacing THE BLACK BOX. I left for the local coffee shop while it was still daylight.  While waiting and computer occupied I found a new blog to add - The Lunatics Asylum. I am not surprised I was drawn to it while waiting -  actually it has been six days since I called and the first time my guy could be scheduled was today. The author of the Lunatic Asylum is stuck at home taking care of his mother - and she is a piece of work.  He is a minefield of black humor - I think he is funny. Tomorrow is the shortest day of the year - not a good time to be without cable or computers.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

December Brr!

It is bundle up to walk the dog weather. Thankfully the snow I see on TV is far away. New Jersey may not be basking in mild weather but I have a fireplace and no excuse not to knit. I have found a good group of knitters who meet every Tuesday evening at a local coffee shop and that has been fun. My new friend Linda, a retired teacher has been knitting since she was a Brownie - and has graciously taken on the task of being my personal knitting trainer.

Will have to take a pix of my two foot tall Christmas tree to liven up this blog.  Christmas last year I was in Mexico and i do miss that warm weather. The photo at the top of the blog page is one I took on that trip.